Tag: Radiant

Post #3149: Radiant light

I spent the weekend at a meditation/study retreat in the city on the topic of Dogen’s Radiant Light – though I didn’t feel radiant or light, bogged down with a cold as I was. In fact, I was *that* person in the zendo. The… Continue Reading “Post #3149: Radiant light”

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Post #3142: Ten days in

As mentioned in my last post, I am doing a thirty-day yoga challenge this month. Today is Day 9 and between the yoga and the gym – I’ve got odd pains everywhere. One of those pains is in my leg and started back in… Continue Reading “Post #3142: Ten days in”

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Post #3141: Turning to the next year

Somehow we’ve made it to 2019. I find myself amazed by that fact – don’t you? The world keeps turning despite all the crazy things going on in it, and here we are. I’ve done three things in the last twenty-four hours that I… Continue Reading “Post #3141: Turning to the next year”

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