Packing to come home.


This trip has definitely been one day too long. Or two even. I’m tired and I feel like I haven’t stopped talking for the whole time I’ve been here. Someone is getting their money’s worth anyways.

As usual, there’s lots going on in my head but I seem to be tired to the point of inarticulate tonight. I found out yesterday that Darren has been moved (it’s on the BOP website, he’s at the Oklahoma Federal Transfer Center) and he’ll be moved again at some point in the next month. I’ll be sending out an update to his list on that shortly – but for those of you who read this blog, please hold off on sending books until he’s at his next stopping point. Letters though. Send letters! I’m just too damned drained at the moment to do much more than send him short ones and we’ve been having trouble with phone calls since I returned from Salem a month ago. I can hardly wait for late next summer when at least I’ll have one person less to deal with prison-side. The official release date is now August 14th – which gives me a bit of space to get things ready in the house for his return. I’ll be looking for a double bed of some sort and a clothing bureau over the next little while as well as bedding and other little things to make his small room comfy – so anything free and in good shape would be more than welcome.

As I mentioned when I got here, I’ve been unusually homesick this trip – missing people, wishing I could go to Victoria to see Anna’s new little one, sad about some news I heard a couple of nights ago regarding a friend of mine who is quite ill. On the plus side, I went for a visit at Patty and Gabe’s on Saturday night and met their son Santiago who is now 2 and a half (which means it’s been over three years since I’ve seen them). They moved up to Ottawa about a year ago and I’ve been wanting to connect with them so as to re-establish my friendship with them and make a social connection here so I have some sanity to visit with. They are very lovely women from back in my old TAO days… and it turns out we’ve still got lots to talk about.

Although I probably say it here enough – I’ll say it again – the more I spend time around people who I don’t relate to in any significant way, the more my gratitude expands for the significant connections I do have in my life. Besides seeing my friends here, just the fact that I have people around who I can phone to cry to or vent at or just talk with really makes me a lot less alienated than I would otherwise be.

My plans upon my return involve more union meetings on Thursday and then (finally!) a retreat to a cabin in the woods for the weekend with a friend. Although it necessitates a bit more travel, I am encouraged homeward by the idea of being close to big trees for a few days, having the opportunity to curl up beside a warm body, and some respite from cities. Oh. And the ocean. Too bad it’s too cold for a swim. But the rain at least will give the excuse to do little except loll about and be cozy. That’s what winter on the coast is all about right?

I’m packing tonight and thinking about coming home to the big cedar tree and a cup of good coffee. Luxurious this life, as I am often reminded.

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